
Hype cycle
Hype cycle


Here, abundant revenue is generated and we start to take the product for granted.


The continued importance of EDR, and key drivers behind the increasing need for extended detection and.

  • Plateau of productivity: Finally, once the growth starts to slow down and mature, we enter the plateau of productivity. Read the Gartner Hype Cycle for Security Operations, 2021 report where we believe you will learn: Why a renewed approach to looking at exposure via external attack surface management (EASM) can help organizations prioritize risks better.
  • Now the product enters the slope of enlightenment, and we start to see rapid advancements that can surpass even our wildest expectations.
  • Slope of enlightenment: Here, the continuous march of exponential doubling finally catches up with and surpasses early anticipation and expectations. The Hype-cycle is a combination of two-curves - a hype-level curve that looks like a distribution-curve and a tech-maturity curve that follows an s-curve.
  • This is when people lose faith in the technology, even while the underlying technology continues its exponential growth.

    hype cycle

    Trough of disillusionment: When these inflated expectations begin to die down, and the entrepreneurs, media and financial markets begin to lose hope, we enter the trough of disillusionment.

    hype cycle

    Entrepreneurs’ optimism and imagination outpace reality. At that moment, hype starts to build an unfounded excitement and inflated expectations.

  • Technology trigger -> Peak of inflated expectations: When entrepreneurs (scientists) first create a new technology, they get excited about the hypothetical applications, seeing all of the future potential with few of the downsides.
  • Net zero data centers must be factored in, containers and cloud delivery disrupt and provide opportunity, and software-defined innovations are mature.
  • Infrastructure Strategies: Innovations and enhancements are critical to I&O leaders for infrastructure consumption models, automation/intelligence and architecture.
  • The Hype Cycle for ITSM provides I&O leaders with guidance on key practices and technologies.
  • ITSM: IT service management innovations enable IT teams to deliver services, support the business consumers and help enable the digital workplace.
  • I&O leaders must pursue organizational learning, continual improvement and automation strategies to deliver the required capabilities.


    Agile and DevOps: DevOps initiatives must be grounded in customer value and will leverage a range of people, processes and technologies that span the software delivery value stream.I&O leaders must leverage the technologies in this Hype Cycle to deliver faster value, improve efficiency and optimize costs. The eight added in 2017 include 5G, Artificial General Intelligence, Deep Learning. I&O Automation: I&O automation is the catalyst that drives quality and agility as organizations adopt cloud computing and DevOps practices, and integrate AI capabilities. The Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies provides insights gained from evaluating more than 2,000 technologies.

    hype cycle


    Gartner subscribers can link through for the full reports. Here are descriptions from a few that featured hybrid cloud management as a key technology and Morpheus as a representative vendor. Looking at the hype cycle reports, you get a sense of how noisy this market is. However, we’ve never seen it as a perfect fit, and even Gartner hit pause this year on CMP analysis as they saw cloud and container management converging with other automation categories. We are thrilled that Gartner named Morpheus a CMP Leader for 2 years and even more excited that Morpheus was the top-ranked vendor in the CMP Critical Capabilities report. Gartner analyzed government business and technology trends to identify technologies that enable key initiatives today and present compelling. The classic category where Gartner places Morpheus in is “Cloud Management Platforms”. The Metaverse Hype Cycle Past, Present, Future We’ve seen a lot of ups and downs with various terms in Spatial Computing. In 2021, Morpheus Data is highlighted in 8 different Hype Cycle reports! If you are not familiar with the model, “Gartner Hype Cycles provide a graphic representation of the maturity and adoption of technologies and applications, and how they are potentially relevant to solving real business problems and exploiting new opportunities.” Each report will touch on a dozen or more technology categories and their relative ‘hype’ within a broader landscape such as Automation or Infrastructure.

    Hype cycle